Archive for the 'INTERWEBZ.' Category

Move, Bitch!

March 14, 2012

This might be my new favourite thing ever.


She’s been calling me again…

February 24, 2012

More vanity today I’m afraid. I don’t really have much else to post at the moment. I’ve been working on some words and recording riffs and verses in snatches. Nothing’s finished, nothing’s polished. I recorded this in my living room a couple of months ago and I’ve just taken the privacy settings off of it on Youtube. It’s one of my favourite songs, one of my favourite bands, but I’m not saying it’s a good version – I just like finding songs I can easily sing in my own accent.

I’m jamming with friends today. I’d honestly forgotten how difficult it is, after years of playing with the same, accomplished musicians, to start a band and get used to new people and their playing styles. I’m not sure if the band will come to anything, but I’ll hopefully get a few more ego-stroking Youtube videos out of it.

Cover of Less Than Jake – The Brightest Bulb Has Burned Out

February 4, 2012

So I finally decided to man up and set some of the random videos I’ve uploaded to Youtube over the past year to public. I tend to record these when I don’t have time to do anything more in-depth but I want to remember how a particular song goes. They end up on Youtube when I want to show them to someone, normally a band-mate or my brother. Here’s one that’s at least short and sweet.

Giraffe Bread 2: Havana Nights

January 27, 2012

Update from: Giraffe Bread

Chris King Sainsbury's letter

For those who missed it the first time around.

I almost feel like I should be writing the sequel to some saccharine, feel-good summer blockbuster here. Lily, Chris and ‘Giraffe Bread’ are back with a vengence. To date, I’ve seen just one of the Facebook groups dedicated to my friend go from 100 to 2,800 members in the space of 24 hours. One picture has been shared on Facebook somewhere in the region of 50,000 times and ‘liked’ several times that number. The Huffington Post and The Sun, as well as numerous blogs, have picked up and written about the story – despite the fact that it’s months old. I think this is fantastic and it may well be the case that this will be bigger than before. Stay tuned.

So far, there have been some spectacular reactions, some propositions and some declarations. Despite seeing a lot of the hype unfold firsthand – I spend a lot of time on Social Media at work – my favourite response so far was on this very blog. ‘Jenny’ posted:

And then you have the single women who read his cute little reply and just want to perk up his day the way he has theirs ;)

Well Chris, I reckon you’re sorted for a story to tell on first dates for the rest of your life. But remember: With great power, comes very little responsibilty.

Get oot yer bed ya fat gypsy!

July 25, 2011

I don’t really have much to say today, so here’s a little blast from the geeky past which made me giggle again recently.

The lesser evil…

July 6, 2011

It’s been a while since I posted anything on here – mainly due to the fact that the sun came out and I got massively distracted by ‘outside’ rather than sitting drooling at the screen on my laptop all day.  Anyway, since it’s now raining (in July!), I’ve found something from the interwebz which made me giggle and I thought I’d share the love.  Non-geeks need not apply.

Cthulhu for President

I’m really hoping that this meme takes off in the states and we get some genuine campaigning going on.  After all, what else is the power of the internet for?