Archive for the 'NEWSFLASH.' Category

Giraffe Bread 2: Havana Nights

January 27, 2012

Update from: Giraffe Bread

Chris King Sainsbury's letter

For those who missed it the first time around.

I almost feel like I should be writing the sequel to some saccharine, feel-good summer blockbuster here. Lily, Chris and ‘Giraffe Bread’ are back with a vengence. To date, I’ve seen just one of the Facebook groups dedicated to my friend go from 100 to 2,800 members in the space of 24 hours. One picture has been shared on Facebook somewhere in the region of 50,000 times and ‘liked’ several times that number. The Huffington Post and The Sun, as well as numerous blogs, have picked up and written about the story – despite the fact that it’s months old. I think this is fantastic and it may well be the case that this will be bigger than before. Stay tuned.

So far, there have been some spectacular reactions, some propositions and some declarations. Despite seeing a lot of the hype unfold firsthand – I spend a lot of time on Social Media at work – my favourite response so far was on this very blog. ‘Jenny’ posted:

And then you have the single women who read his cute little reply and just want to perk up his day the way he has theirs ;)

Well Chris, I reckon you’re sorted for a story to tell on first dates for the rest of your life. But remember: With great power, comes very little responsibilty.

Happy Tau day!

June 28, 2011

BBC News – ‘Tau day’ marked by opponents of maths constant pi.

Apparently, today is Tau Day – 6/28 geddit? I just don’t know what to believe any more.  It seems everything they taught us in school is being proven wrong, slowly erroding the knowledge we all think we have.  It’s like everyone’s trying to come up with new trick questions for QI.

Only a year or so ago, my friend Gordo pointed out that summer isn’t caused by the planet being closer to the sun for half of its orbit.  You may think this is pretty obvious, given that Australia and the rest of the southern hemisphere have their summer when we have our winter, but it came as a surprise to me.  I guess I could have worked it out – but why bother?  I was told when I was in primary school that the earth had an elliptical orbit and during summer it was closer to the sun.  Nothing about the planet tilting on its axis.  Nothing about the sheer impossibility due to the oft repeated fact that Aussies have Christmas in the middle of summer.  Nope, just lies which I blindly believed for years.  Why bother thinking about it logically?  I’d been told the answer and as far as I was concerned, I didn’t need to think of it any more.

Makes you wonder what else they lied about.  I bet 2 + 2 really does equal 5.

Speaking of Australian Chrismas, here’s a lovely little tune from one of my favourite comics:

It’s Monday

June 20, 2011

BBC – Newsbeat – Rebecca Black’s Friday removed from YouTube.

So it looks like it really is Monday today, it is Friday no more.  Apparently not even the worst song in the world is immune from  money-hungry hopefuls or, even worse, lawyers.

In other news, Ryan Dunn’s dead.  I’m not sure how I feel about that.


picture stolen from

Rest in peace big man.